Health Canada Authorized/CSA Certified/FFP3
  • N95 Respirator (N99 or 99PFE-L3), Health Canada Authorized, CSA Certified
  • ≥99% Filtration
  • Industry-leading breathability
  • Level 3 Surgical Respirator (>160 mmHg blood penetration resistance)
  • Fully Aluminum Nose Piece (MRI compatible)
  • Box of 25
  • Headband Donning
  • Graphene-Free
100% Made in Canada

Due to safety concerns, we are unable to accept any returns on masks

Curion is proud to be an authorized distributor of Vitacore products in Canada. This product is backed by the manufacturer's warranty.

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CAN99 RESPIRATOR BUY 1 / CAN99 Respirator

1 x 25 masks / Box

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The CAN99™ Surgical Respirator is Vitacore's newest and most advanced particulate respirator. The CAN99™ is Health Canada Authorized, CE Certified under EN149 with FFP3 classification and CSA Certified. It was designed specifically for Canadian healthcare and frontline workers to provide the highest level of protection. The CAN99™ is manufactured at Vitacore’s Burnaby BC facility. The CAN99™ is currently available exclusively to public healthcare and frontline workers. 

CAN99™ initial independent fit testing demonstrates some of the highest fit scores of any respirator ever tested. The CAN99™ has over 99% particulate filtration efficiency (NIOSH), a minimum of 160 mmHg blood penetration resistance (ASTM F2100). Our low inhalation/exhalation resistance creates the best breathability of any mask in its class available on the market. 

The material, assembly and final product testing are independently conducted by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), McMaster University and private lab partners.

Supporting Canadian Front Line Workers

What is a “front line”? It is the line of defense between you and harm’s way. The front line takes the first, and the worst, hits in any dangerous situation. Vitacore puts a line of defense between the front line workers and the risks that they face every day for us -  Health Canada authorized masks and respirators.

Manufacturing High Quality Products On Canadian Soil

Every part of our mask and respirator process is entirely Canadian. Canadian innovation, Canadian manufactured, authorized by Health Canada, and made with full respect for our beautiful Canadian wildlife and environment. The only thing more Canadian is the Maple Leaf and hockey!

Keeping Us And Our Neighbours Safe

Keeping Canadians and all our extended North American family safe from harm so we can all continue to heal, restore, love, work hard, and live securely. Your commitment  to keep safe for yourself and others along with our hard work making quality masks and respirators a perfect partnership. Oh Canada!


1. With nosepiece facing away from you, hold the bottom strap in each hand with the nosepiece up. / La pince nasale face à soi, tenir la courroie inférieure dans chaque main, pince nasale vers le haut.

2. Position the respirator under your chin, pull the bottom strap over your head and position it around the neck, below the ears. / Placer le respirateur sous le menton et passer ensuite la courroie inférieure par dessus la tête et la placer autour du cou, sous les oreilles.

3. Pull the top strap over your head resting it high at the top back of your head. / Tirer la courroie supérieure par-dessus la tête et la placer haut au-dessus de la tête.

4. Place your fingertips from both hands at the top of the metal nosepiece. Using two hands, mold the nose area to the shape of your nose by pushing inward while moving your fingertips down both sides of this nosepiece. Pinching the nosepiece using one hand may result in improper fit and less effective respirator performance. Use two hands. / Placer les doigts des deux mains en haut de la pince nasale métallique. À l’aide des deux mains, modeler la section nasale à la forme du nez en appuyant sur la pince nasale et en imprimant des mouvements vers le bas, des deux côtés de la pince. W Le fait d’utiliser une seule main pour modeler la pince nasale peut résulter en un mauvais ajustement du respira teur et réduire son efficacité. Utiliser les deux mains.

5. Perform a User Seal Check prior to each wearing. To check fit, place both hands completely over the respirator and exhale. Be careful not to disturb the position of the respirator. If air leaks around the nose, readjust the nosepiece as described in step four. If air leaks at the respirator edges, work the straps back along the sides of your head. If you CANNOT achieve a proper fit, DO NOT enter the contaminated area. See your supervisor. / Effectuer une vérifica- tion de l’ajustement avant chaque utilisation. Afin de vérifier l’ajuste ment du respirateur, placer les deux mains sur le respirateur et expirer. Veiller à ne pas déplacer le respirateur. Si l’on décèle une fuite d’air près du nez, rajuster la position du respirateur comme l’indique l’étape 4. Si l’on décèle une fuite d’air autour des bords du respirateur, rajuster la tension des courroies des deux côtés de la tête. Si l'on NE PEUT obtenir un ajustement parfaitement étanche, NE PAS pénétrer dans la zone ontaminée. Consulter son superviseur.


Particles such as those from grinding, sanding, sweeping, sawing, bagging, or processing minerals, coal, iron ore, flour, metal, wood, pollen, and certain other substances. Liquid or non-oil based particles from sprays that do not also emit oil aerosols or vapors. / Particles such as those from grinding, sanding, sweeping, sawing, bagging, or processing minerals, coal, iron ore, flour, metal, wood, pollen, and certain other substances. Liquid or non-oil based particles from sprays that do not also emit oil aerosols or vapors.


Gases and vapors, oil aerosols, asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, lead, 4,4’-methylene dianiline (MDA) or sandblasting; concentrations that exceed 10 times the PEL/OEL, specific OSHA standards, or applicable government regulations, whichever is lower. This respirator does not supply oxygen. / Les gaz et les vapeurs, les aerosols contenant de l’huile, l’amiante, l’arsenic, le cadmium, le plomb, le 4,4’-methylene-dianiline (MDA) ou le poncage au jet de sable; les concentrations qui sont superieures a 10 fois la limite d’exposition admissible / limite d’exposition en milieu de travail, les normes specifiques de l’OSHA ou les reglements gouvernementaux applicables, selon la valeur la moins elevee. Ce respirateur ne fournit pas d’oxygene.


This respirator can help reduce inhalation exposures to certain airborne biological particles (e.g. mold, Bacillus anthracis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, etc.) but cannot eliminate the risk of contracting infection, illness or disease. / Ce respirateur peut aider a reduire l’exposition par inhalation a certaines particules biologiques en suspension dans l’air (p. ex., moisissures, Bacillus anthracis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, etc.), mais ne peut pas eliminer le risque de contracter une infection, une pathologie ou une maladie.


A. Not for use in atmospheres containing less than 19.5% oxygen. / Ne pas utiliser lorsque la concentration ambiante en oxygene est inférieure a 19,5 %.

B. Not for use in atmospheres immediately dangerous to health. / Ne pas utiliser si l’atmosphere presente un danger immediat pour la vie ou la sante.

C. Do not exceed maximum use concentrations established regulatory standards. / Ne pas utiliser en presence de concentrations superieures au taux etabli par la reglementation.

D. Failure to properly use and maintain this product could result in injury or death. L’utilisation et l’entretien inadequats de ce produit peuvent provoquer des blessures ou la mort.

E. All approved respirators shall be selected, fitted, used and maintained in accordance with CSA, OSHA, and other applicable regulations. / Tous les respirateurs homologues doivent etre selectionnes, ajustes, portes et entretenus conformement aux reglements de la MSHA, de l’OSHA et a tout autre reglement en vigueur.

F. Never substitute, modify, add or omit parts. Use only exact replacement parts in the configuration as specified by the manufacturer. / Ne jamais substituer ou modifier ce produit, ni lui ajouter ou lui enlever des pieces. N’utiliser que les pieces de rechange exactes determinees par le fabricant.

G. Refer to users instructions, and/or maintenance manuals for information on use and maintenance of these respirators / Consulter les directives d’utilisation et/ou les manuels d’entretien pour obtenir des renseignements sur l’utilisation et l’entretien de ces respirateurs.