In-person | Live Pediatric Dentistry for the General Practitioner Hands-On WorkshopSaturday, June 7, 20258:00 am - 4:00 pmCurion Headquarters | Richmond, BC Keep the Kids IN your Practice. Taking care of your kids should be fun and stress-free. Learn the most up-to-date methods and techniques.Course Des... 7 Hours CE
Webinars | On-demand GENETIC TESTING: Why Knowing Can Create Better Outcomes in Periodontal Health & Caries Prevention Recorded Webinar Course Description Do you have patients who persistently struggle with bleeding 4-5mm pockets, relapse after periodontal surgeries, peri-mucosi...
Webinars | On-demand Treating Periodontal Disease in the Post-Antibiotic Age (Webinar #2) Recorded Webinar Treating periodontal disease not only improves oral health, it also reduces a chronic infectious burden on patients’ immune system. Unfortunately, ...
Webinars | On-demand Treating Periodontal Disease in the Post-Antibiotic Age (Webinar #1) Recorded Webinar Treating periodontal disease not only improves oral health, it also reduces a chronic infectious burden on patients’ immune system. Unfortunately, ...
Webinars | On-demand Integrating Genetic Risk Assessment for General Dentistry Recorded Webinar Imagine a test that could determine for every patient in your office if they are high risk for caries and periodontal disease. With 2 of the most omnipresent diseases in our offices, imagine how such a test could guide your decision making in both prevention and treatment.
Webinars | On-demand Deep Margin Elevation for the General Dentist Recorded Webinar Deep margin elevation for the general dentist. This technique isn’t always necessary, but incorporating it into your arsenal can greatly increase the efficiency of your workflow, as well as the improve the final outcome of your restorations.
Webinars | On-demand Introducing the ALL-NEW Strata-G Sectional Matrix System! Recorded Webinar More than five years in development, the ALL-NEW Strata-G Sectional Matrix System has just been introduced! Here is your chance to see it compared ...
Webinars | On-demand Optimiser les points de contact pour des restaurations. Sur demande1 heure La réalisation de composites postérieurs est un acte courant mais qui présente parfois des risques de sensibilité post opératoire ou de bourrage al... 1 Crédit CE
Webinars | On-demand Solving Common Sectional Matrix Problems: An Interactive Webinar On-demand Webinar1 hour Sectional matrix systems are fantastic tools for achieving ideal contacts on posterior composite restorations. But what do you do when that tool doesn’t seem to be working the way you expect?