NiTin™ Instruments

Each component of the NiTin™ Sectional Matrix System has been Reinvented to enhance performance and value. From the drawn-wire Nitinol separator rings and ideally shaped matrices to the extra gentle yet firm wedges. NiTin™ will deliver consistent, predictable contacts like no other system can!

Curion is the ONLY authorized distributor of ReInvent Dental (by Garrison) products in Canada. This product is backed by the manufacturer's warranty.


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Regular price $127.00 $107.95
  • 1 Ring Placement Forceps
    • Curion Exclusive

    NiTin™ Ring Placement Forceps - Precision control for easier ring placement

    • Tips machined to perfectly match NiTin™ rings
    • No ring slippage or wobble

    NiTin™ Band Forceps - Simplified matrix band and wedge placement

    • Excellent tactile control
    • Deep interdigitating teeth to remove stubborn matrix bands from tight contacts

    The NiTin™ Sectional Matrix System by Reinvent Dental Products

    Used primarily for Class II posterior composite restorations, the NiTin™ system differentiates itself from the competition by its ring construction. Created from drawn-wire Nitinol, a product used in medical device applications including orthodontics, the material undergoes a process of molecular alignment which produces unparalleled spring qualities, ensuring “like new” separating forces even after hundreds of uses. Resiliency is reinforced with PEEK® (polyether ether ketone), a super-plastic renowned for its durability, which is used exclusively in the construction of the backer and tips. Unlike non-drawn-wire nickel titanium, when compared to other rings on the market, the NiTin™ sectional matrix ring has been shown to provide superior resiliency and significantly longer life.

    Introducing the NiTin™ Sectional Matrix System

    Here is a demonstration of our NiTin™ Sectional Matrix System. You can see how it is in action. Brought to you by Reinvent Dental Products.