Grey market and counterfeit dental products are a serious global issue that is silently plaguing our industry. At Curion, we are steadfast in our commitment to prioritizing patient safety and view it as our obligation to safeguard both patient well-being and the integrity of dental practices in the wake of the threat posed by grey market and counterfeit goods.
The How and Why?
The infiltration of grey market products poses a significant hazard to patient safety for the following reasons:
Elevated Risk of Product Failure: Each grey market product heightens the potential for product failure, attributable to inappropriate storage, inadequate shipping practices, or misleading expiration dates. This not only introduces the peril of utilizing inferior quality items but also increases susceptibility to counterfeit products.
Non-Compliance with Health Canada Standards: Grey market products may feature formulations that deviate from the stringent standards set forth by Health Canada, thereby jeopardizing the integrity of the healthcare products in use.
Exposure to Regional Recalls: Grey market products may have previously been subject to recalls in the geographical region of their initial distribution, implicating potential safety concerns for patients.
Repackaging and Resale: Grey market products may undergo unauthorized repackaging and resale, introducing uncertainties regarding the authenticity, quality, and safety of the products in question.
Reputational Risk to Clinicians: The utilization of compromised products from the grey market can lead to reputational damage for clinicians, as the compromised quality of these products may adversely impact patient outcomes and erode the trust placed in healthcare professionals.
You Have Power to Protect Your Patients and Your Practice!
Manufacturers, distributors and dental professionals are all responsible for preserving the integrity of our industry and protecting patients.
Dental practitioners possess the capability to mitigate the influx of grey market and counterfeit products into their professional environments. To safeguard against such risks, it is imperative to exclusively procure products from duly authorized dealers who transparently articulate and demonstrate their distribution rights for the respective brands and products they offer. It is essential to exercise discernment, as certain authorized dealers may be limited to a select number of brands, yet may engage in the importation of grey market products to augment their product portfolio, potentially exploiting the trust vested in them by practitioners.
Team Education = Practice Protection: Raise your team’s awareness of the potential risks associated with grey market products to protect your practice against liability concerns and uphold your professional reputation. Remember, taking preventative measures now can save your practice from potential pitfalls in the future.
Please take note of the following Manufacturer Brands that are exclusively distributed through Curion Dental Products in Canada. It is crucial to be aware that all other dealers offering the listed brands are not authorized by the manufacturer and are deemed part of the grey market:
- Bisco Inc. (i.e. TheraCal LC, All-Bond Universal, TheraCem, Duo-Link, etc.)
- LM Dental (Specifically referring to LM Arte and LM SharpDiamond)
- Dentsply Sirona’s Double Taper Illusion X-RO fiber posts (formerly by RTD)
- Smile Line
- Ascentcare Dental
- ReInvent by Garrison Dental Products
- Sanctuary Dental
- Happynecks
- Venta Endo
If you or your team have any questions or concerns about a product's authenticity or origin, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to assist you in making the best choices for your needs.
Thank you for choosing Curion. We appreciate your trust and look forward to continuing to serve you with the utmost integrity and dedication.
Your Curion Team.